We see ourselves are part of the environment; it’s important for us to treat the environment with care. Environmentally conscious and sustainable action and the promotion of energy-saving processes come naturally for us – whether it is using more environmentally friendly materials and technologies, the conscious use of limited resources or adhering to the principle of waste avoidance before waste recycling. Continuous improvement in every division is an essential part of our values. Our energy and environmental management are of course a key factor in this. Our commitment goes far beyond the legally required minimum.
Documenting energy consumption, continuously realising savings potentials and setting annual measurable targets to improve our climate balance are just a few examples of our commitment. Our business-process management provides a reliable basis for implementing, sustainably maintaining and continuously improving our work processes. In addition, for several years running we have met our goal of CO2-neutral operation for our entire fleet of vehicles and natural gas combustion system.
Would you like to support our activities? We are happy to receive your suggestions via info(at)weber-group.com or +49 2771 394-0.
In 2010, the United States Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). This act also contains provisions relating to conflict minerals. The Dodd-Frank Act defines conflict minerals as the raw materials tantalum, tin, tungsten (and their ores) and gold. This is only the case, however, if extraction or trade contributes to the financing/support of armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo or neighbouring countries. In this case, the extraction of these raw materials can lead to significant violations of human rights.
Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act and the U.S. Provisions The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires companies subject to SEC oversight to annually demonstrate whether their products contain conflict minerals that are “necessary to the functionality or production” of those products.
While the Weber Group is not subject to SEC oversight and has no legal obligation to comply with Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act on Conflict Minerals, we would like to provide our clients – who are subject to the SEC’s provisions for Section 1502 – with fair assistance in fulfilling their reporting obligations.
The Weber Group makes every effort not to use materials that contain conflict minerals. Especially for this purpose, we have established processes to determine which of our products involve the processing of conflict minerals. In addition to the "3TG" (tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold), we also track the minerals cobalt and mica in the supply chain. To do so, we ask our suppliers to certify the origin of the raw materials they supply to us. In this way, we create a high degree of transparency within our supply chain.
We also carefully review future changes in laws or customer requirements related to conflict minerals and incorporate them into our operations as necessary. Due to the variety of products we offer and the complexity of our supply chain, this represents a challenging, continuous process. We will continue to work closely with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders in following our guiding principles and finding workable solutions, thereby further enhancing our contribution to sustainability.